Habit: sleep 6-8 hours each night
We are in week 3 of our Golden Habits Challenge. This week’s habit will be to get 6-8 hours of sleep EVERY NIGHT. We’ve all heard how important sleep is, but do we know why? Sleep is the main source of recovery for our bodies. Yes, there is a lot we can do during the day to promote recovery, but if we are not getting enough sleep, then everything we do during the day won’t matter.

Getting adequate sleep helps with:
- Muscle growth
- Fat loss
- Appetite regulation
- Performance in the gym
- Energy levels throughout the day
- Decreased stress levels and cortisol
- Decreased anxiety and depression symptoms
- Increased happy hormones like serotonin.

All of this sounds amazing, right? So how do we make it happen? Strive to create a wind-down routine for yourself to do each night. That can look like turning off the screens an hour or two before bedtime (TV, phone, tablet, etc…) and having some quiet time to yourself (meditate, journal, read a book, plan out your next day, practice gratitude, talk with a loved one). Aim to do this wind-down routine at the same time each night, making sure you give yourself time to hit your sleep goal of 6-8 hours.
Let’s count those sheep and get those Z’s this week!