Week 1: Golden Habits Challenge

Habit: drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water

Welcome to week 1 of our Golden Habits Challenge. This week’s habit will be to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water EVERY DAY. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, then your goal will be to drink 100 ounces of water each day. 

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Why is hydration important? Staying hydrated can help control your appetite throughout the day— did you know that hunger cues can often be confused with dehydration? Next time you’re feeling hungry, grab your water bottle and take a few sips before checking back in with yourself and your hunger.  Being well-hydrated will also keep our muscles happy and can help promote recovery and reduce soreness in our muscles. Furthermore, this habit is important as we want to strive to prioritize water over other beverages, particularly sugar-sweetened drinks (like sodas, coffees, or energy drinks). A lot of us might associate beverages like soda, coffee, and energy drinks as ways to boost energy levels throughout the day to get over that midday slump—but staying properly hydrated can also increase your energy! 

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Start your day off with a cool glass of water and make sure to keep track of your ounces to ensure you are hitting your daily goal! 

Let’s get after it this week!

All the best, 
Coach Susan and Coach Ally

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